Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I have received the best form of recognition last night. Or compliment, should I say - because I don't fully agree with it just yet, and I don't think I ever will. While having my usual small pillow talk with the boy last night, he told me that "actually you dance very good already", "you improved since HOCC", "I watched you when you did that part", and it means the whole fucking world to me. Well, he is rather stingy when it comes to compliments, although he would say otherwise. Especially when it comes to dance, he is so darned anal about the details. He has NEVER said anything about my dancing since we've met. Unless when I ask him how I did, or when I have certain things that I don't do well enough and he'll point it out to me - "You can add in more accent", "more control", yadda yadda. & so I was shocked, in a pleasant way, when he actually praised me last night. So much so I'm actually dedicating a blog post to it hahahahhahaha as silly as it sounds. I chose to disagree with him this time though, for I honestly feel super stagnant. I hate it but I really feel that way. Still, I'm really appreciative.  There are other little moments whereby fellow dancers made me really happy too. I won't specifically mention who and what they said, but they honestly mean so much to me. I know very well that I'm not the best dancer around, but these are the things that keeps me going.

I really hope that Dancetitude won't be just another production. I really want MJ to show what's uniquely us. & I will do my best, work hard on my part. Then again, a production isn't just about an individual but many individuals combined. I just hope everyone else is on the same page.

Let's go MJ!

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