Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 random confessions

Confession pages of various local universities have started springing up on Facebook lately. Thought of doing some here just because I'm getting bored of studying.

#1) I find girls much more attractive than guys in the physical aspect and had wondered if I was gay. I've come to a conclusion that I'm completely straight though.
#2) When I was young, I believed that Pokemons were real and attempted to buy it from a friend who claimed that she could get it from a supplier and that it was top secret. I saved up for months, paid her, and the Pokemons never arrived.
#3) I still feel guilt over what I've done over the past year and can't help thinking what if karma decides to bite me in my ass.
#4) I hate uncertainties. I was just having a conversation with a friend about how I don't mind, and in fact, enjoy taking roller coaster rides, but absolutely abhor the ones that goes all the way up and plunges vertically down without warning.
#5) I'm too lazy to think of one.

More like 5 random facts, actually. I've distracted myself from school work and I ought to head back to it. Toodles doodles!

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