Saturday, December 14, 2013

Back from Batam trip that is sponsored by Estelli Pui Huannie Chiehling Mabz and Minipig, as my birthday present! Such a thoughtful bunch of friends, where to find :') Anyway it was a really short, but relaxing (to be specific it was more of lamnua) trip. Really enjoyed the nightly HTHTs, cheap thrills (70c donuts), and the seafood (!!! HIGHLIGHT).

Time to prepare for the upcoming 3 weeks to be spent in Korea and Taiwan! ^^ Can't wait! I'm really excited. The boyfie and I ended up trying our winter clothes in the room pretending it was cold HAHA.

I'm also very excited, but worried for hall dance. I don't know if it's bad luck or what, but Aizah Yanyan Shervon Ange, who were supposed to join us, no longer are. It's gonna be very hard but I hope everyone will just give their best.

Choreo-ed with Ahmeh for our segment. I'm more confident with choreographing now, and I think I actually enjoyed it! It's always fun choreographing with Ahmeh because we're both damn nonsense LOL. Boyfie said the piece was too hard for hall, but idk, I just hope it'll work. But he said that he was proud of me and praised the choreo, so I'm happy ^^

I've been thinking, do I really dance very kpop-ishly?! :( I don't know to think of it as a compliment or an insult... I just don't really like it when people say that to me. I mean, I've never really thought of that myself but I'm actually getting this sort of comments. Riana once told me it's a good thing because she it's very nice to watch but... I don't want to look kpop. I want to look... like whatever genre I'm doing. :\

Ah anyhoos... I feel like I can't dance sometimes. That I suck at it. Gah. Hate it. Want to be better.

Also, I'm sorry. I didn't think that I'm suffocating you with my expectations. I guess I was indirectly imposing them on you even if I didn't mean to. I'm just too emotional. I'd better keep it in mind. But it's true huh, things have changed. We have changed. I feel like such a failure.

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