Thursday, November 1, 2012

Simple gestures

I honestly think that it's all the littlest things that count. A simple "How are you doing?", "Have you eaten your dinner" or a "You can do it" can mean so much. These things add up to something really huge, with a whole lot of meaning to them. I really appreciate those. Compliments also spur me to work harder, gives me some sort of motivation and affirmation. I think I really need to stop doubting myself all the time and tell myself that things can be done. That I can achieve them. That I will reach what I want to attain.

Ending the night on a chirpy note. Rare to come by these days.

On a side note, I can be rather slow to catch on signals sometimes, but I'm not that insensitive to not notice the change. I just don't understand why things have to be so complicated, when it's obviously just a simple thing. I just hate having to please everyone all the time already. Why? Seriously, why? It's such a bother, really, to have it on my mind all the time. Tell me I'm not overthinking things. (Just when I thought I was gonna end the night on a good note. Well it's still good but I guess we all have things to deal with.)

Oh well, happy halloween! (Sad me didn't get to dress up nor go treat or treating. BOOOOO.)

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