Friday, November 26, 2010

rock that body

Was supposed to go swimming with Estelli and Peixuan this morning. Totally excited while we were discussing what would happen tomorrow --- "We'll meet at 630am then run to your friend's condo and swim for an hour, then we wash up and head to the library to study! THEN WE CAN HAVE NUGGETS! AND PONTIAN WANTON MEE!!!!"

"SIAO AH 630AM!" --- to avoid the harmful UV rays from the scorching sun la, arbo?! HANAR WE VAIN LAAAA. Don't wanna get tanned mah! But anyway... the plan failed because I had to wake up at 5am AND I JUST COULDN'T. To make things clear, I did wake up at 5 promptly. The problem was I continued lying on my bed using my Berry... Until I fell back into sleep. :) EY, cannot blame me one leh!!!

So I quickly woke up at 6 and we wanted to carry on with the plans, but received a text from Pui saying that swimming canceled! (DARN THAT MONTHLY BLEEDING WOMEN HAVE TO GO THROUGH) I guess today was just the wrong day to swim! But we're gonna make it a point to swim frequently yes?! ^^

SO PLAN B! Went for a run around my neighbourhood instead. My stamina sucks beegggg phatttt hairy b0rzzzzz! HOW TO BE SKINNY?!?!!??! >:c I don't have the patience and determination. Someone quickly invent some machine that produces waves that can destroy fats once and for all leh (except boob fats. My boobs so small reduce in size some more will become NOTHING). SURE EARN BIG BUCKS!

Time for an intense studying session now. Damn that human geog paper!!!! *clench fist*

WHY IS ANGELABABY SO PRETTY?!?!??! (I know she did plastic surgery but STILL!!!!)

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