Sup, bitches! How's your day!
Fun day out with my FLaVaBabies yesterday. Haven't had a proper meetup since exam period started. Really miss dancing with them! We've never actually had a proper outing though - one that doesn't involve dancing/worrying about dancing. We were all occupied with the Impresario competition. Now we get to go out and truly enjoy! Just us and fun :)
Lunch with Aizah and Jinghan, and Frolick (my treat) because I was late, as always. Headed over to Playnation where Tiffy and Fel joined us! I've always liked Dance Central on Kinect, but have never played with dancers. Quite an experience because all our scores were really close hehe. I actually got the exact same score as Aizah for one round. Pretty interesting.
AND THEN WE TOOK LASALLE BY STORM. We selca-ed a little while waiting for Jin to arrive.
This pair of new babies killed me. KILLED. Everything was perfect about this pair, except for the material. I thought I was going to die of abrasion, THAT EXCRUCIATING RAW TINGLING PAIN. I walked like a grandma the entire day, feet stiff as logs. Not funny at all.
Dinner at a quiet cafe in Lasalle itself. Have heard good reviews about this cafe, and it definitely did not disappoint! Great service and awesome food that's affordable. We kept making lame jokes of the alcoholic drinks. "Hi, can I have Sex on the Beach please? Along with a blowjob. Thanks." Someone remind us of our age. HOW CAN WE BE THIS CHILDISH.
Dessert at Ji De Chi, Liang Seah St.
Love their presence. Full strength next time, when Candice is back! :) FLaVa love!
Finally completed this book after much procrastination.
Gotta go.
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