Friday, June 8, 2012


Been meaning to do up a proper post on my new room. But the room's state is not at its best, and I don't think I'll ever get it tidied up any time soon. So here's what a corner or my room looks like currently.

Painted the room beige (it is no easy feat to paint the room AND I MEAN IT), new bed, new cupboard, a couch and a desk not shown in the picture. A cluttered mess right there at the storage.

What's left is my wardrobe. Oh god my wardrobe, I don't even know how I'm gonna go about emptying my two bags full of clothes into the cupboard. By two bags I mean 2 times bigger than garbage bag bags, with clothes brimming out on top. Also left with decor, if you can't tell the walls are plain and the curtains are not up yet.

I've this girl to thank! A trip down to IKEA with me and she helped me shift those heavy boxes. We were like two helpless feeble beings it wasn't even funny. Thanks my love! <3

What we had for lunch. Kinda overwhelming for 2.

Estelli kept laughing at this sight 'cos I look like I'm gonna shoot missiles from all the boxes.

Her on the other hand, lightly pushing a cart of miscellaneous stuff.

Also been thinking about why some people are just so desperately attention-seeking and annoying without any sense of awareness. Just immersing in self-pity and a cloak of pretense. They claim to have low self-esteem, that nobody appreciates their individuality and difference from the "normal" people, but really, just attention-seeking to me. Here I go yapping about it but maybe to some I might be one of those. Who knows. Referring to nobody in particular but have just been seeing quite a lot of these lately and have to get it out of my chest.

My body clock has also gone hay-wired. My obsession with Diamond Dash refrains me from sleeping early. I prepare to sleep, but fall asleep 2 hours later than scheduled just because I spent the time waiting for my lives to refill so I can play a few more rounds. I can wake up at 2pm, but can also uncontrollable wake up at 10am just so I can play Diamond Dash. If you don't play Diamond Dash, I am speechless, because it is AWESOME. The sound I hear when I achieve combos jubilates my soul. Not exaggerating.

Lunch now, and dreadful work (p.s. temperamental boss), and Helipad for a fun night later!

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