Saturday, June 30, 2012

L U V x M O M E N T S //

Life on the fast lane.

Pangzy the Perth Boy dropped by Singapore for a short meetup! RamenPlay for dinner and Brotzeit to chill after. I have no idea why but the guys were being real generous that night. Zhiyang voluntarily paid $60 for dinner (which was more than half the total), and Zhenghui foot the bill entirely for beer (whopping total of $221). Not that I'm complaining! Like, hello, free beer?!

A toast, to being young and free :)

Buddy <3

Supposed to call off our partying plans, but I guess as we drank we got a little spontaneous. Headed down to Butter. Free entry. Perks!

Row of awesomeness.

After pints of beer, a round of jägerbomb, jack daniel shots, vodka ribena, another round of jägerbomb, long island, and endless gulps of orange belvedere from random people around the club. The guys kindly bought all the rounds. I wish they were like that all the time. HAHAHA.

Awesome night! Nobody got too drunk or got into trouble or puked or anything of that sort. Just pure fun within our clique! Love ^^ (Teh came late so no pictures of him. Boo.)
Stayover at Poo's place and brekky with Poo CX and Pangzy. Awesome!

So it was Jinghan's birthday a week back. FLaVa held a surprise party for him, with the help of Aiwei!

Agent A, Agent C, Agent T, hiding behind the couch waiting for plan execution! Such a cheap thrill planning the surprise. We were hiding and all. Hahaha.

The only (bad) group photo, because my bitch of a phone refuses to cooperate.

The skinny tall sweet two! Victim and alliance ;)

Happy birthday Partner! ^^

Also held a small-scale surprise birthday celebration for Momsy the other night. Hehe.

Finally went jogging! Gonna try and keep this up!

Kbox with my BESTYs, and to celebrate Ying's birthday ^^

Seniors' camp! No group photos, sadly. Was quite fun to gather with the Raphaels (now Black Jacks!) Was so freaked out over one of the activities I teared multiple times throughout the day. The loser I am. Sigh.

Cherlyn's birthday celebration right after work!

Had a great few weeks :) Gonna get filled up with more activities soon!

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