Monday, December 29, 2014
We saw it coming, but I never thought she would deteriorate that quickly. I make it a point to go home every week. From the day I went home and realized she was losing weight and had yellow skin, to the day where she got hospitalized, to the day where she laid in bed not being able to move much but only breathe, to the day she stopped breathing - everything went way too fast.
When I received the call that she was showing signs that she was going to leave soon, I could only blame myself for not devoting enough time for her and for the family. Guilt. Regrets.
I remember at the hospital, she told me to eat more bakkwa because she knows that I liked it. She held my hand so tight.
Back at home she told me she wanted me to get married some day, to a good man, and that she wished me and Lester all the best. She wanted me to succeed in my life.
On her last day on earth I fed her with ice cream, and she could still enjoy ice cream.
But yet, just a sleep after, she was gone.
Stopped breathing. How could a person who was just speaking to me, still opening her eyes, still talking to me, still enjoying her ice cream, be dead just after one sleep? How could she be possibly gone just because she stopped breathing?
I stared at her chest for movement, and I for a moment I thought "SHE IS BREATHING. SHE IS ALIVE.", but it was just the wind, blowing on the blanket that was covering her body. Her toes were turning purple and just she laid there, oddly still.
Thankfully though, she left the world without much pain, with a smile on her face, despite the illness.
7 days of mourning seems like what was needed for the family. I was just worried for my dad more than anyone else. My heart ached for this man, who has never shed a single tear, cried as he held onto his mother.
My dad is the strongest man I know, the most filial son who would do anything for his mother, and also a man that I respect the most. & I could only tell him that I am here, that he has us, but I know that nothing would help with the pain he was experiencing as he lost the one that he loved the most.
The other day I burst into tears in Lester's room and cried non-stop. Nothing could stop it. & I felt bad that Lester felt so helpless, but honestly his was comforting enough for me. I could never cry in front of my parents, I wouldn't want to make them worry when they need my support. I could only cry to Lester, and that is my only outlet. Also, my mom told me this happens when Grandma is near to visit. I hope she is doing well in Heaven. She hates being lonely and I wish she has the company of kind souls.
I am so thankful for Lester - he checks up on me, he makes it a point to come to the funeral when he's free. He drove me home knowing that I couldn't as we rushed back to see her one last time. He was there for me and gave me so much strength.
& also friends like Ahmeh, who kept texting me to ask if I'm okay, and even came down to the wake with Steph Gloria and Chin even though I didn't ask them to. I really appreciate their kind gestures and it's really more than I could ask for from anyone.
Shenghui too, whom so kindly offered to pay respects. It was really nice of him to ask and show concern for my family. & yet I didn't even know when his grandfather passed a year ago. Not many would go that far, and I'm thankful that he did.
Life has been a rough patch. But, I could only move on.
Monday, November 10, 2014
This more or less sums my day up -
"The final talk Ms Carol gave to the Modern Jazz class was so awakening: the different phases a dancer goes through that affects growth. The start>pure joy>learning>disappointment and resilience vs confidence and arrogance>picking things back up vs giving up. Always stay humble and remind yourself why you started dancing in the first place - find the connection between you and dance. But I do realize it's easier said than done. & maybe she failed to mention "jadedness".
I want to get out of this trench.
But for now, HP4103 and HP4102 to tackle.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Sit and cry
I don't fight for anything at all.
Just feel really lethargic, and yes, alone.
I've lost the drive and I really don't know what and who I can fight for anymore.
I don't even know when this sudden loneliness engulfed me but I think it just did.
I say I'm jaded but am I really, because if I were I would care less.
He said it's time I fight for myself, question myself what I want for myself.
But I don't even know.
What do I want?
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Life and Losses
Fat Grandma is diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer, terminal. 3 to 9 months left.
She's not even fat anymore. She lost a lot of weight and her skin is yellow - toxin build up. The doctors can't even cure her because her body wouldn't be able to take the treatment. I knew her memory was starting to fail her, I knew she started to have some very weird pet peeves she never had before her eye surgery, but I didn't expect her to get diagnosed with cancer, not after her diabetes was miraculously gone. There weren't even symptoms, it developed so suddenly and rapidly.
It pained me to see tubes poked right through her flesh, her whining to me that it's painful, saying "When can I go home?" "But I don't smoke and drink..." "But I drink plenty of water each day" "Don't cry for me I'm fine".
I ought to be home more often.
From that young dependent girl whom she doted on to that girl who barely returns home in a month - I don't know what I'll feel if she's gone.
I want her okay.
Monday, October 27, 2014
I have came to the conclusion that I have stagnated. I think I'm not pushing myself hard enough.
Haven't been doing conditioning since the end of S24. Haven't been feeling the hunger to improve either. Just been dancing to dance. Does that make sense? I don't feel like pushing. Actually, I think I am such a person - lazy in all aspects.
The world is filled with fake ass bitches and shit and it can get really tiring. Some people are just annoying on first look lol I can't even explain it.
Feeing stressed out for school too. I haven't been doing anything.
Ahhhhh I need to breathe.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Support, Love, and a little bit of Pixiedust
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Stay with me
Maybe watching Lion City Throwdown made me realize how much of a cooped up dancer I am, so incompetent of stepping out of my comfort zone.
Maybe SUAD vetting made me think of the one we had two years back, where I felt just happy dancing alongside my friends.
Maybe listening to "The Call" by Backstreet Boys made me think back on Flava days, which was so much of a struggle as a fresh dancer, yet so genuine and fun.
Truth is, nobody will stay forever. People come and go. & yet it took me 3 years to realize this. I wish those batch mates that I once spent so many good times with, once created great memories and milestones with, could still be fighting the same war with me. Yet, everyone has their own war to fight. & nobody is to blame - just cruel reality. Reality means decisions. Decisions means sacrifices. Forgoing this for that, losing bits and pieces from one to build up on something else.
That's what I am too, isn't it? I've drifted apart from my closest girlfriends, my family, my academics, all in the name of dance. Time and time again I ask "Why do I even do this? What do I do this for?". & it has been 3 years. 3 years, stuck in this cycle of questioning, but still going back to it time and time again. It's like a addiction you can't kick.
People make decisions, and have different priorities. & I've learnt to respect that. I'll love the ones who stay, and thank those who left for the difference they've made in my life. You can never turn back time, no one could. So many times I look around me and feel so lonely even though I'm surrounded by a studio filled with people. But I'm learning to cope with that.
Why do I stick around? Beats me too. Maybe because I don't belong anywhere else.
I got scared just thinking about how EVERY SINGLE decision you make you in your life leads you to where you are getting to next. & that's why I hate to make decisions. Because I know I am responsible for what comes after. I wish I made better choices. But mistakes make us grow.
I miss those days where I don't think so much - just dancing because I enjoy it, because I have my friends dancing with me.
& so what if you start somewhere new? You never know who's true to you. I've heard too many scary things. People like to talk shit. Some of which angers me so much. I'm no saint, but sometimes people judge too much.
The point is... I actually don't really know what I'm trying to say. I just feel sad that the only constant is change.
I wish everyone whom I cared about could stay.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
I'm starting to lose drive because I feel so so worn out with all the work to do, all the overwhelming dance practices, the thought of school reopening, not spending enough time with the boyfriend, etc.
I'm dancing everyday, from Monday to Sunday. It feels like year one once again.
I don't know how I landed myself into all these commitments yet again. I just know that I can't neglect my studies this time round, because it's not just me, I'm doing FYP with YJ and Clem and I cannot let them handle everything by themselves again.
I'm really excited for O School recital, especially. It's the first recital that I've tried auditioning for. I'm really thankful to get into Fredy's Street Jazz, although I would have preferred Hiphop because I really feel like staying away from Street Jazz for a bit. Still, I really am glad that I even got into any of the items. Among all these, there's Danzpeople recital (which I haven't attended any practices yet), preparing for Nemesis's concept video, prepping junior team for ABCD (oh gosh), all the random shows (NTU Fest, Hall 8 SP Night, Alumni Night), teaching dance part-time in schools, SUAD practices, Lester's temple performance, and suddenly having to perform an extra item when I was originally supposed to just coach Lester's sisters and their friends for an item. With all these on my shoulders, I have almost no time for anyone at all.
Just recently, I had to give up meeting two groups of friends who matter to me - my 2 JC cliques.
I feel absolutely bad for canceling on them, because I did look forward to meeting them. But I just can't shake my commitments off.
It's really moments like these I ask myself what the hell am I doing to myself and what are all these for.
Also, I feel like I can't dance. Been having self-esteem issues lately. & my fitness is deteriorating, which means dancing like a nuaballz. Ugh damn sian. Lousy piece of shit.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Friday, July 4, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Trade off.
Monday, June 16, 2014
The best days
I'm glad he woke up feeling better. We just spent the day lazing around together, showing appreciation, enjoying each other's presence. & that feeling was gold. I wouldn't want my life any other way.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Midday angst
Monday, June 9, 2014
Wear and Tear
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Alien Adventures
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Been feeling weird for 3 days already, I don't know how it happened. My trip to Oschool on Friday was fun, yet I went home with a lot of doubts. I wouldn't say that I don't know that my control is bad, but besides that... I don't DANCE. I'm too controlled by my fear and others' judgement. I'm too afraid of being sucky at something. Yeah performance, routines, those that I can go over and over, I'll be more confident. But I lack that one thing that makes a whole lot of difference - I'm afraid to be free. I'm afraid of how I'll look, I worry, I overthink, I don't know my identity. I've been struggling for a long time and now I'm just reminded of it again.
Then came SDD Finals. It was amazing to watch, and it was extremely inspiring (I really enjoyed Freezky Bots, Elders, Flair Origins, and 4 13 that night). Yet I get so aware of how big the stage in - not the physical size, but how much it really takes to be on that stage and own it. It takes YEARS, it takes hardwork, it takes basics, it takes character, it takes RESILIENCE. I mean just look at Flair Origins, they are the perfect example. & I feel so distant from that stage. Even further, now that I've tried for it, and failed.
Today, MJ got a rare opportunity to take Shaun Evaristo's private class. It was, what I feel, a very needed session of exploration for MJ, for me. Reminds me of the contemp classes and space awareness workshops I've taken in the past, just a whole lot more inspiring. It's amazing how he sees movement, and how he embodies that with such true devotion. I wonder how much time he spent in his LIFE to achieve what he became today. Such an artistic individual, and also a veryvery sincere mentor. I got really irked when some of the dancers started joking about his exercises I mean, really. Feeling stupid is okay, because we're uncomfortable. But ACTING stupid to overcome the awkwardness is so... Disrespectful. Some were even seniors. Ugh okay that aside. Explore, open up. Unlock your body, be aware of every muscle. It's easier said than done. It'll take so much time.
What is dance exactly? I'm getting confused and I keep asking myself the same question over and over.
I dance because I feel good dancing. But as my relationship with dance progressed, it became a commitment. And with every commitment, it takes greater effort. & now it's more than enjoyment. It's hard to get back to level 0 because things are just different now. When I move I no longer just move without overthinking. & that's my problem. I need to be free, like how I used to be. I want to be free. But it is a huge huge struggle for me.
I don't even know if all of these are worth it anymore. I want to be better but... I'm weak. I don't know if I have enough mental strength to push myself anymore. I'm a little weary.
I want a crew. I used to think FLaVa would dance together forever. I wanted it to. I want a crew, I do.
When you go deeper into something, you realise so many things you NEVER did. & things just get complicated. Just like relationships. (Shaun Evaristo mentioned in class today that dancing is a relationship. At that moment I was like WHOA am I a genius, I thought of the same thing as Shaun. Although he meant relationships with external elements like the floor and people around. But wow I thought of the exact same sentence as Shaun. Okay this makes no sense forget it.)
I'm excited for my internship that starts tomorrow, yet I'm dreading it. I mean, my finals just ended. I honestly did not have enough time for myself nor my friends and family. But I guess this is the reality that I have to wake up to. The first four weeks is gonna be INSANE, clashing with s24 practices. It'll be the first time I don't get to see Lester almost everyday (clingy girlfriend alert) but I'll really miss being around him.
Ah I'm just really, having major mood swings right now.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
I... really like doing hip hop leh. :(
Random thought. But no, I like girls' style. A LOT too. Just that I kinda like them both and people like to assume I only like doing girls' style hahahaha.
I am aware liking something doesn't equate to being better at it. So... I will try to be more Hiphop, and go for more Hiphop classes after exams!
Yo yo yo.
Give me time to take all these in.
& really, the feedback for our routine weren't all that great. I don't want to pull the team down. Right now I really want it, I want us to enter finals. There, I said it. I'll be really sad if we don't.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Okay gonna force myself to focus. Coffee round 2 let's go.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Yesterday was one of the happiest days I've been as of late. I spent the day studying, and had a long dance practice. The boyfriend popped by halfway with bags of delish food (although I told him to get them) smth waited for us to finish practice before eating with us. There and then I felt so so blessed. He always gives. Although he's tired from mentoring his own SDD group and school work he still made it a point to wait up for me. He looked at me and said he was proud of me, and it meant the whole world to me. Could only tear up like an idiot and hug him. I want to make him feel proud, I really do. & what followed was a night of pillow talk which lasted through 5am until we both unknowingly fell asleep. He can be such an asshole sometimes and may be unromantic in the sense he doesn't do fancy things, but in reality moments like those are all I need to feel loved. "Why are you so plagued with insecurities?", he said, "haven't I done enough to love you?". I have no idea but it's the first time I'm so so afraid to lose someone, even I know this irrational fear isn't helping us at all. I think it's because I really have no idea why he's okay with sticking to someone like me - whiny, frustratingly stupid, mega insecure, protective, stubborn, etc. & he means that much to me to make me lose my sanity hahaha. I'm just thankful for him sticking around though I can rly get way overboard sometimes. I'm truly blessed.
Not just love from Lester, but so many other people. Candice, Aizah, Yanyan, Fel, Jo, Steph, Gloria, telling me that I can and reassuring me all the time, Yoga who's always buying food for us and boys from Mady Jay, Ziang who pops by sometimes and gives us comments, all the boyfriends of Nemesisters, love from MJ in general, Clement Yihua for listening to me whine all the time while I have to skip project meetings sometimew, my parents for being so understanding, all these love of all sorts. I don't even think I deserve them but I'm lucky be given all these.
I'm feeling the nerves for SDD, which is less than a week away. The reality of it never sunk in until two days back. It's real. I would've pushed the thought of it away so simply then but now it feels so real, kind of overwhelming, like a sandstorm or a tsunami waiting to swallow me up. I can't believe I'll be standing on that stage that I could only think about, for I have always been too afraid to dream. But I'll be standing on it for real the coming Saturday. I don't feel completely ready, but I could feel how everyone was pushing during last night's prac. It's quite heartwarming, thinking about how we even came together, and how I was such a random addition to the crew. I cannot afford to hold back or be afraid anymore. I can't allow fear to eat me up. Oh my God, panic attack!!!!!!! Fuck.
ah ok calm down.
Also, saw on Yanyan's instagram - "good things don't come to people who wait, but to people who fight for it and never give up." I couldn't agree more. And that's just life. People have different starting points and life is never fair, but you just have to fight long enough and if you want it bad enough and give enough, it will come to you because you EARNED it.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Weighing scale
Saturday, April 12, 2014
In the end
Someone rid this feeling off me.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Strange clouds
I don't blame my batch mates or anyone. I mean, it's just like that. & I'm just upset that I don't have a bunch of people who really push together. By push, I don't mean to just appear for classes but to want something together. Look at the current juniors, they're all so hungry to improve and they fight to make it happen. I mean, true, there's always a flip side to the coin. You could have quarrels and form cliques and be overly competitive yada yada. But a dance club bonds through the passion to dance. & if that's absent I don't see where the bond would come from. I mean, my batch never quarreled or did anyone had issues with anyone, but we aren't close either.
:( just feeling rly sad because I'm not supposed to feel that way. In my ideal it isn't.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Floatingggg wob bee dee bop
I had a lengthy conversation with my k44 girls a few nights back after catching JDC. It helped me understand a bit of why I'm feeling this sense of emptiness lately when it comes to MJ. The things we held on to, are eventually disappearing. & as much as we all want to, most of us don't have a choice. Knowing I'm not alone in this makes me feel that tiny bit better, but why is this even happening then? One thing I'm glad of, is that whatever happens, I have these girls with me. & like what ahmeh said, our friendship started off from dance, but it has grown so much beyond dance itself. :') I really don't know what is gonna happen in the near future in the course of our dance story, but we'll take one step at a time.
Watching JDC made me feel so freaking proud of Lester.
THIS. It may not be super clean, but look at what he created (together with Steph of course, who is equally awesome), this amazing masterpiece. I don't think I'll ever get there. & looking at how he first choreographed for Srethgie's baojingtian, to Abuse item, to Danzation Fantasy segment, to Srethgie Wujilai, to this JDC. He's already amazing from the start, but he kept growing. I guess it has been a good year for him, plenty of opportunities and plenty of breakthroughs. I feel so ultra proud of him. Not just how he thinks of choreography or visuals, but how he handles things. He is always grateful, always sincere, always passionate, always 100% committed, always humble, always striving, always calm. He's my number one inspiration + role model. :')
Also, it made me feel really jealous. Of the opportunities we never had as freshies. I think it would have made a huge difference. I keep asking myself why our batch isn't tight. & there are plenty of reasons, but I guess how we started was one of them. I'm always jealous of the juniors batches. I mean, even our senior batches. All of them are so close. I recall two years back when I first joined MJ, the graduating batch huddled together and some of them even cried. Next Thursday is the last MJ class for this academic year. I'm not even sure if the graduating batch would feel anything leaving the club, because I don't think MJ even matters much for the most of them. But yet you can't blame them. Most of them don't get the recognition, the encouragement, the right platform. & when I think about this, who am I to complain that I'm floating? I feel thankful for the chances I've ever gotten thus far.
& besides dance issues, idk why, but I've been struggling the past few days. A lot has been going through my mind. As a possessive girlfriend, I want him to myself. But yet I know he'll do an amazing job if he gets to handle MJ. All I need is some reassurance from him, but I never seemed to be the first choice when it comes to discussion of this very important issue.
Many things have been scarring my heart lately. Like yesterday and this morning. I just feel so disgusted with myself. Just freaking grow up and be more independent already. Stop getting hurt over the tiniest shit. I knew what I was walking into when I chose to start this, but yet I still ended up being vulnerable, which was what I was terribly afraid of. Should I put up the walls again? Do I have the strength to? & will the walls even do any good? I just hate where I am right now. I feel like I have to wear a mask. & every time you want me to unmask it, I eventually do, but yet you dislike the real me without my mask on. What do I do then? Put on the mask forever, and suffer the cracks beneath alone? Or unmask it and risk the consequences?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Well deserving
So I got to talk to a couple of people tonight, and I felt thankful for being part of MJ. It isn't the best club to grow as a dancer in terms of techniques (just being truthful here), nor does every member share the some amount of passion as I do, but it's where I started after all. MJ is where I learn and grow, however little or much it is, MJ is where I met many precious people whom inspire me and given me so so much, MJ is where I develop more than just a dancer but also mature as an individual. I'm just thankful and lucky to be in MJ, as much as I disagree with certain systems, or yearn for change (which I have came to accept that it's just uni lifestyle and it would take a lot to change the current structure).
I just came to realise what people want is really simple - to be recognised for their efforts, however small it may be. & that assumptions can be a killer although I'm guilty of that pretty often. Just random yabbering!
Speaking of which, I've come to think of the past where I didn't have opportunities at all. I wasn't asked for a choreo project even though all my closest friends got asked and they hid it from me just so I won't be upset, I wasn't part of s24 as well even though my friends were and even juniors were. Looking back, I was never anyone's first choice. I was hardly anybody's choice. I simply am not good enough, and as sucky as it is I accepted that.
Now that I have an opportunity, I grabbed it, and leaped towards it. I know very well that I'm a spare tyre, but I gladly took it. When else will I get a chance like that? I get people telling me "why are you in this team?" and it stings from time to time, and it's okay although it stings because even I question myself. Thickskinned, or whatever you call it, I'm don't feel at all ready nor adequate for this, but I'm really tired of not being an option. So as hard as this may get, I'm gonna brainwash myself in whatever way I can, and just fight for it.
And, people don't see that it's hard. All they see is oh aly improved, oh aly is stepping up, but they don't see how long I've been mediocre, been average, been hating going for MJ classes because catching choreo and doing it in groups gives me nerves, and that now even I still am given certain opportunities I am still constantly plagued by inadequacy.
And no, you can continue telling me that you're proud of my improvement and what not but nothing will shake that feeling off.
I want to improve. I want to achieve more through MJ, fight for the same goal with my friends. But now even MJ is splitting apart. I don't know where I belong sometimes and I just feel so empty during thursday classes at times...
I don't understand why. Can someone tell me why.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Here I am, sitting all alone in the huge and empty study room, holding back an urge to just break into tears. I don't think I'm strong enough for this. As much as others are pushing, this moment right now, I feel so alone.
The person I'm dying to hear from seems to be interested in something else. & while I try to make things better it's just brushed aside. What more can I do. I just feel useless, helpless, like a loser who's taken for granted.
Is it that hard to just show some appreciation. Or maybe I just really don't have the ability make that much of a difference to your life.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Hard times call for strong hearts.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I was just trying to spare a thought for the affected ones, but do I really "treat you like shit" "don't care about how you feel". Every time I try to phrase my words with caution but I guess sometimes when it slips, it slips.
I can't do this, trying to be nice to everyone. I'm no angel. I wish I could give less fucks sometimes but I'm just like that.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
This feeling, so bittersweet. This year's definitely ten times more stressful than last year, and being a choreographer is !@#$%^&*. But I'm hoping we'll at least do ourselves proud, and enjoy showcasing OUR piece as a team.
15 days left. Let's do this.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
I hate myself at this point of time to the core. It's going to last quite a while.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
I'm now a nutella bread that has met my other nutella half. But sometimes, just sometimes, I get reminded that before this, I've tainted other breads. Ugly, dark brown, tainted traces of nutella. The guilt swallows me whole. And I too, get reminded that however small they may be, I'm tainted with jam and peanut butter. & the taste of it is awful. I regret it.
And for even thinking about all this, I hate myself. Why dwell on peanut butters and jams when you are happy with the nutella you have? Let it go, they've been long enough. It's not like I'm not over those things. It's really not. But I just have moments where I hate myself for certain things that I've done wrong. I'd get really angry too, when I'm reminded that the other slice of nutella is in fact not purely made out of nutella either.
I guess it's hard to be a perfect sandwich.
Gosh I'm getting really random. Sorry, just being weird.
I feel like I'll never be able to make things right to some of those slices of peanut butter and jam breads and it'll always be a torn that pains me.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I used to think silence is horrible. I like to get things out of my chest, voice them out, get the problem solved. Then I learnt that getting it out doesn't always equate to resolving it. Now I realised that I have came to forget this. Oh silly me, how could I forget? What made me think it'd be different this time? Turns out they're the same. I'll learn to shut my self in once again. I'll shut up. The same thing that caused me so much hurt. But I'll just let it eat my up from inside out till I'm left with an empty shell. At least my heart will remain. Just that maybe, just maybe, it will no longer beat.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Do you ever
Monday, January 20, 2014
One of the worst nights I've ever experienced. It was too brutally honest. Words spoken in anger are those that are the truest.
I don't know if this scar will ever fade away.
Monday, January 13, 2014
#1) It's the first day of school
#2) Monday blues
#3) Feeling fucked up because of the above reasons
#4) Need somewhere to rant
#5) Haven't updated in a while
So my timetable as of now is really screwed up. I've always sucked at planning and I just hate what I'm going through now. Need to settle it ASAP or I'll just be so damn grumpy.
Just came back from a three week long getaway to Taiwan and Korea. It was a good trip. I didn't feel like returning. Not that I dislike Singapore but 3 weeks wasn't enough for me. I will try to upload photos on those soon.
Spent my last holiday weekend on MJ camp. I look forward to MJ camp every single year because I know it'll inspire me once again, and I'll grow and learn from it. This year was especially good for me because I learnt with a much more open mind and heart. Tried to absorb like a sponge. It feels really refreshing to feel different this year. #getoutoftheshybox
I hope to achieve more through dance this year. #leapoffaith